Karina Cristy Diamante


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SKU: 10520500 Categories: , Tags: , , ,


Karina Cristy Diamante made in Mexico
Material: made of 70% Acrylic 30 % Polyester
Amount: Each skein contains 100 grams/3.5 oz., 512 m/560 yds
Color: See gallery (colors may vary depending on screen, camera, lighting, etc.). 
Quantity: 1 Unit 
Uses: For crochet, knitting and embroidery. 
Category: SUPER FINE

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 17 × 9 × 9 cm
Cristy Diamante

01 White/Blanco, 06 Sky Blue/Azul Cielo, 07 Glass/Vidrio, 08 Turquoise/Turquesa, 09 Mint/Menta, 10 Turquoise/Turquesa, 101 Pearl Grey/Gris Perla, 102 Red/Rojo, 103 Silver Grey/Gris Plata, 104 Rat Grey/Gris Rata, 107 Orange/Naranja, 108 Gold II/Oro II, 109 Coral, 11 Electric/Electrico, 121 Pepsi Blue/Azul Pepsi, 129 Garambullo175, 130 Royal Blue/Azul Royal, 138 Psychedelic/Psicodelico, 139 Parakeet II/Perico II, 14 Baby Pink/Rosa Bebe, 140 Bishop/Obispo, 141 Ink/Tinta, 143 Avocado Green/Verde Aguacate, 145 Bright Rose XV/Rosa Brillante XV, 149 Tender Green/Verde Tierno, 15 Rosewood/Palo de Rosa, 150 Bullfighter/Torero, 153 Lilac 221/Lila 221, 154 Wonder/Maravilla, 155 Pink V/Rosa V, 156 Town Hall/Ayuntamiento, 157 Green F51/Verde F51, 158 Turkey Blue/Azul Pavo, 159 Grass Green/Verde Pasto, 16 Snow Pink/Rosa Nieve, 162 Cherry/Guinda, 163 Palm Tree Green/Verde Palma, 165 Green F48/Verde F48, 167 Garambullo 212, 169 Plum/Ciruela, 17 Carnation Rose/Rosa Clavel, 170 Gooseberry/Grosella, 171 Cinnamon/Canela, 172 Gold/Oro, 173 Mirinda, 174 File II/Lima II, 175 Cherry/Cereza, 178 Mayate, 179 Mallow/Malva, 180 Pink II/Rosa II, 185 Rosewood/Palo de Rosa, 19 Lilac/Lila, 192 Orange/Naranja, 193 Oxford, 196 Bright Pink/Rosa Brillante, 197 Lilac/Lila, 198 Strong Lilac/Lila Fuerte, 199 Electric Blue/Azul Electrico, 20 LO Lilac/Lila LO, 200 Wonder/Maravilla, 201 Red/Rojo, 209 Brick/Ladrillo, 21 Sweet Potato/Camote, 210 Mango, 211 Electric/Electrico, 214 Red/Rojo, 215 Flesh/Carne, 217 New Red/Rojo Nuevo, 218 Pea/Chicharo, 22 Wonder/Maravilla, 23 Fushia/Fuscia, 232 Blackberry/Mora, 235 Green/Verde, 236 Green II/Verde II, 237 Emerald Green/Verde Esmeralda, 24 Bougainly/Bugambilia, 25 Ivory/Marfil, 26 Bone/Hueso, 265 Mokka, 27 Wheat/Trigo, 280 Steel/Acero, 289 Olive 04/Aceituna 04, 293 Turkey/Pavo, 294 Petroleum/Petroleo, 296 Maradol, 30 Nut/Nuez, 31 Corn/Maiz, 33 Straw Yellow/Amarillo Paja, 35 Chicken Yellow/Amarillo Pollo, 37 Town Hall/Ayuntamiento, 38 Mango Yellow/Amarillo Mango, 39 Mango Yellow/Amarillo Mango, 40 Green/Verde, 41 Mango Yellow/Amarillo Mango, 42 Pumpkin/Calabaza, 425 Ice/Hielo, 43 Mirinda, 45 Mec Orange/Naranja Mec, 47 Melon, 485 Slate/Pizarra, 50 Special Melon/Melon Especial, 52 Orange Jr/Naranja Jr, 53 Syrup/Miel, 54 Camel/Camello, 59 Peppermint/Mentita, 60 Pistachio/Pistache, 61 Nordic/Nordico, 62 Eco, 63 Lime Green/Verde Limon, 67 Emerald Green/Verde Esmeralda, 68 Flag Green/Verde Bandera, 69 Parakeet Green/Verde Perico, 70 Christmas/Navidad, 71 Military Green/Verde Militar, 73 Watermelon/Sandia, 74 Watermelon/Sandia, 75 Rosewood/Palo de Rosa, 76 Coral, 77 Red/Rojo, 78 School Red/Rojo Escolar, 79 Blood Red/Rojo Sangre, 80 Special Red/Rojo Especial, 86 Bishop II/Obispo II, 88 Royal Blue/Azul Rey, 89 Royal Blue/Azul Rey, 90 Navy/Marino, 91 Gold/Oro, 93 Biznaga, 94 Tobacco/Tabaco, 96 Dark Brown/Cafe Oscuro, 97 Bottle/Botella, 99 Black/Negro


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