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Charme is a 100% mercerized Brazilian virgin cotton yarn that stands out for its softness and quality. The complete color chart allows the creation of unique pieces and creative color combinations.


Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 10 × 10 cm

1114 Candy Yellow/Amarillo Dulce, 1236 Fresh Lime/Limon Fresco, 1289 Canary/Canario, 1779 Lemon/Limon, 20 Natural, 2012 Candy Blue/Azul Dulce, 2194 Turquoise/Turquesa, 2204 Candy Green/Verde Dulce, 2829 Ball Blue/Azul Pelota, 2856 Teal/Verde Azulado, 2931 Nautical/Nautico, 3047 Breeze/Brisa, 3048 Flamingo/Flamenco, 3128 Cupid/Cupido, 3182 Pitaya, 3201 Cameo/Camafeo, 3227 Antique Pink/Rosa Antiguo, 3334 Tulip/Tulipan, 3402 Circulo Red/Circulo Rojo, 3480 Devotion/Devocion, 3526 Candy Rose/Rosa Dulce, 3581 Pepper/Pimienta, 3611 Rubi, 3754 Rose Pink/Bugambilia, 3794 Bordeaux/Burdeos, 4004 Coral, 4021 Brasa, 4146 Egg Yoke/Yema, 4224 Peach Fuzz/Durazno, 4445 Tangerine, 4456 Orange/Naranja, 5164 Bush Green/Arbusto Verde, 5203 Greenery/Verdor, 5556 Tiffany, 5583 Lime Green/Verde Limon, 5767 Brazilian Green/Verde Brasileño, 5947 Citrus Green/Verde Citrico, 6006 Candy Lilac/Lila Dulce, 6156 Tutti-Frutti, 6375 Grape/Uva, 6567 Citrus Purple/Purpura Citrico, 7030 Mustard/Mostaza, 7136 Marsala, 7311 Tobacco, 7371 Caramel/Caramelo, 7504 Mogno/Moño, 7563 Chantilly, 7625 Chestnut/Castaña, 7684 Porcelain/Porcelana, 7713 Wood/Madera, 8001 White/Blanco, 8008 Rock Corey/Piedra Corey, 8176 Off-White/Blanquecino, 8336 Lead/Plomo, 8990 Black/Negro, 9016# Zebra, 9153# Cabaret, 9184# Mermaid/Sirena, 9337 Marshmallow/Malvavisco, 9368# Sunshine/Luz Solar, 9392# Leaf/Hoja, 9463# Buffalo, 9471# Toronto, 9642# Intuition/Intuicion, 9662# Burberry


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